On October,2016,we will participate in GlassBuild America:The Glass,Window & Door Expo being held October 19-21,2016,at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas,Nevada,USA.
GlassBuild America,an annual exposition,is where the glass,window and door industries meet.It is the largest gathering of glass,window and door professionals in North America.Whether you are exhibiting your products and services,attending the educational programs or meeting with more than 400 exhibitors on the trade show floor.GlassBuild America is the most cost-effective way to reach the extensive glass,window and door markets in North America.
Organized by the National Glass Association Window and Door Dealers Alliance,along with partner organizations.GlassBuild America offers a united and comprehensive audience not found anywhere else.Expand your business opportunities by exhibiting in or attending GlassBuild America 2016.